pp108 : OLEDB Details Interface

OLEDB Details Interface

This topic describes the fields displayed when the OLEDB is selected as the database.

Field Name


Field Description

Database Vendor


Specifies the required database vendor. Depending on the database vendor selected, the drop-down list for the provider is populated.



Specifies the appropriate OLE DB provider name. This is a mandatory field.
Note: For OLEDB connectivity to MS SQL Server 2005, the recommended provider is SQLNCLI.

Server / Service Name


This field appears when the via ODBC option is selected in the Database Vendor field. It specifies a machine name, or a host string depending upon the provider selected.Depending on the database vendor, provide the following details:

  • SQL server - Specify the Computer name or Instance name. If instance name is not available , specify the server name.
  • Oracle - Specify the the service name used to connect to Oracle server.
  • ODBC - Specify dsn name.

Default Database


Default Database: This contains the name of the database (catalog name or schema to be connected). For example, in SQL server, if a user wants to connect to a particular database (e.g., Eastwind), the database name must be mentioned in this field. If no database name is mentioned, the Service Container is connected to the default database of that user (e.g., master for 'sa' user).For Oracle server, this field must contain schema in upper case to which the Service Container must be connected. If no schema is mentioned, the Service Container is connected to the default schema for that user.All read and update requests are directed to the connected database or schema only.
Note: For proper functioning of the ACL, the default database must be specified in its original (upper or lower) case.

DB User


Specifies the authenticated user name for authentication to the database. This is required only when the selected database needs authentication.



This field contains the password for authentication.
Note: If you intend to connect to SQL server using Windows authentication , do not fill DB User and Password fields.



Related tasks

Creating a Database Configuration
Modifying a Database Configuration
Deleting a Database Configuration
Viewing Database Configuration Usage Report
Creating a Tablespace

Related reference

JDBC Details Interface